Allergy Therapy with Nutritional Balancing

Heather Celaschi

Uses kinesiology to test for food intolerances and environmental allergies, and supports you to make lifestyle changes to strengthen your immune system and achieve homeostasis.
Heather Celaschi qualified as an allergy therapist in 2006 at Prestberries Farm, Natural Health Teaching Centre at Hartbury. Having run her own IT support Company for 25 years she now focuses on her allergy therapy work in Cardiff or Chepstow.

She uses kinesiology to test for food intolerances and environmental allergies and believes that the best way to control allergies is to strengthen your immune system and get your gut flora back into balance.

She is keenly interested in the bodies ability to achieve homeostasis and how small changes in diet and supplementation make great differences to the bodies ability to do this and cope with the stresses of everyday life. This approach has helped to improve conditions like chronic fatigue, IBS, fungal infections, excezma and environmental allergies.

In 2012 she graduated with a BSc Hons (Life Sciences) from The Open University and her dissertation was on Invasive Fungal Infection in immunocompromised patients. Her focus were modules which addressed the Human Body, in particular, the immune, digestive, endocrine, and nervous systems. She is particularly interested in the effects of stress on all of these systems.

In 2016 she graduated with a MSc (Sciences) from The Open University and her dissertation researched the importance of fungal infections in the aetiology of Alzheimer's Disease.

Her interests in lifestyle changes, herbal medicine and the vitamin and mineral effects of food generally are on-going.